Wondering what interesting things are happening in the Morayshire area?
You’re sure to find something to keep you entertained here.
This listing is FREE to advertise so why not let us know what events you are planning for the coming months
Elgin library book sale.
Elgin library will be holding a sale of withdrawn stock from Monday, November 26 to Wednesday, November 28.
Included in the sale will be hardback and paperback fiction, a wide range of non-fiction and reference books, CDs, talking books and DVDs.
The sale will begin at 12 noon on the Monday and finish at 8pm on the Wednesday.
Strangeface presents Pinocchio
On Wednesday 7th November at 7.30pm, the highly acclaimed Strangeface will be presenting a version of Pinocchio at Craigellachie Village Hall. Tickets are £9/£7 from Still Life Gallery and Framers in Aberlour. Tel: 01340 871457 or book online at www.neatshows.org.uk/.
Moray Business Association.
The Moray Business Association will be holding its next meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 6th November at The Torr House Hotel in Elgin.
It will be the first of a series of events taking place at the library over the winter months.
Any business owners wishing to come along will be made most welcome. Space is limited so please contact Richard Stokes on 07748128080 to reserve your place.